Saturday, July 2, 2016


So, Mad Society from the L.A. environs was Cathy Sample, bass, Aaron Glascock, drums, Louie Metz and Mark Vachon on guits and lead singer Steven Metz.  They were a fairly standard though not at all bad punk-leaning-hardcore socal band, with one stand-out gimmick - lead singer Steven Metz was all of 9 or 10 years old.  That's him on the front cover of the EP in Adam Ant regalia (I confess to being disappointed as I originally hoped the look was more Lord of the Flies).  They apparently had a pretty good rep in their time.

Their one EP had a dedication to  Norton Wisdom, Tom Waits, Jello Biafra, Brendan Mullen and Rodney Bingenheimer.  How cool is that?

Louis Metz was later in the band Spoon, Mark Vachon was in the re-united Dickies, and Cathy Sample got a writing credit on a Leaving Trains album.  L'il Steven Metz became a yoga teacher, with Penelope Cruz and Rene Zellweger as clients! 



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